
Welcome from Diana Turner and “GeoD”. The Geological Society of Dumfries and Galloway

Dumfries and Galloway is visited by millions of you every year who appreciate it’s amazing geology and spectacular scenery. But do you ever wonder how this landscape was formed, why it is so special and why we need to protect it for future generations?

Geodiversity is short for geological diversity and is the link between landscape, people and the way they live. It is the variety of geologically diverse environments and processes, occurring over billions of years and forming a huge variety of rocks, minerals, landforms, fossils and soils, that made our landscape and lifestyles what they are today. Every part of our life is affected by the diversity of our landscape; the soils we use for growing our food, eg. sand and mud; the rocks we use for constructing our buildings eg. granite and marble; the minerals we use in industry eg. gold, silver; the fossils we use for fuel eg. coal and petroleum; the landforms we use for their strategic position eg. hills for wind turbines; coastlines for housing developments; natural processes we use to improve our lifestyles eg. glacial gravel, the foundations for road and rail networks; geo-thermal heating systems to heat our water. 

What is GeoD?   Well!!    I have been a fell runner all my life and run over, through and even under some amazing landscapes and always wondered what they were. As someone with no geological knowledge I wanted to know more about this amazing heritage so in May 2007 I asked Scottish Natural Heritage if there were any local geology groups in Dumfries and Galloway. I was told there were non, but I could always start one! so I did and called it “GeoD”!  We have a variety of aims but the main aim of this group is to conserve this amaizing heritage for the benefit of future generations so, visit our GeoD page to see how we do this.

NOW…….take a tour around the rest of our website to see how exciting geology can be… we’ll be posting news, events, pictures, walks, talks, projects, geoconservation, residential trips, exhibitions and lots more geological information. If you’d like to join us, or contribute, get in touch at our News/ Blog Page or at moffatdmt@hotmail.com  and keep up with what’s happening in the Geology Scene around Dumfries and Galloway.

WHAT ELSE GOES ON AROUND SCOTLAND? Have a look at these and find out;  www.edinburghgeolsoc.org                                www.geolsocglasgow.org.uk                                                                                  www.bgs.ac.uk                                                     www.scottishgeology.com                                               www.scottishgeologyforum.org                         www.geowalks.co.uk